Showing posts with label typescript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label typescript. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2021

Azure Devops- Code Coverage report for typescript

 For running unit test, you can use Jasmine and the coverage report can be generated with nyc and report type as cobertura, which is supported in Azure DevOps.


    "spec_files": ["**/*spec.ts"],
    "helpers": [

If you dont have any helper files, then you can remove the helpers section in above json file.

*.spec.ts file will have your test. Sample file below

describe('calculate', function() { it('add', function() { let result = Calculator.Sum(5, 2); expect(result).equal(7); }); });


 "scripts": {
"test""ts-node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine --config=jasmine.json"

Now lets start the changes for code coverage.

First add an index.js file for cobertura report generation

'use strict'; /* Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ const path = require('path'); const { escape } = require('html-escaper'); const { ReportBase } = require('istanbul-lib-report'); class CoberturaReport extends ReportBase { constructor(opts) { super(); opts = opts || {}; = null; this.xml = null; this.timestamp = opts.timestamp ||; this.projectRoot = opts.projectRoot || process.cwd(); this.file = opts.file || 'cobertura-coverage.xml'; } onStart(root, context) { = context.writer.writeFile(this.file); this.xml = context.getXMLWriter(; this.writeRootStats(root); } onEnd() { this.xml.closeAll();; } writeRootStats(node) { const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary();'<?xml version="1.0" ?>'); '<!DOCTYPE coverage SYSTEM "">' ); this.xml.openTag('coverage', { 'lines-valid':, 'lines-covered': metrics.lines.covered, 'line-rate': metrics.lines.pct / 100.0, 'branches-valid':, 'branches-covered': metrics.branches.covered, 'branch-rate': metrics.branches.pct / 100.0, timestamp: this.timestamp, complexity: '0', version: '0.1' }); this.xml.openTag('sources'); this.xml.inlineTag('source', null, this.projectRoot); this.xml.closeTag('sources'); this.xml.openTag('packages'); } onSummary(node) { const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(true); if (!metrics) { return; } this.xml.openTag('package', { name: node.isRoot() ? 'main' : escape(asJavaPackage(node)), 'line-rate': metrics.lines.pct / 100.0, 'branch-rate': metrics.branches.pct / 100.0 }); this.xml.openTag('classes'); } onSummaryEnd(node) { const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(true); if (!metrics) { return; } this.xml.closeTag('classes'); this.xml.closeTag('package'); } onDetail(node) { const fileCoverage = node.getFileCoverage(); const metrics = node.getCoverageSummary(); const branchByLine = fileCoverage.getBranchCoverageByLine(); this.xml.openTag('class', { name: escape(asClassName(node)), filename: path.relative(this.projectRoot, fileCoverage.path), 'line-rate': metrics.lines.pct / 100.0, 'branch-rate': metrics.branches.pct / 100.0 }); this.xml.openTag('methods'); const fnMap = fileCoverage.fnMap; Object.entries(fnMap).forEach(([k, { name, decl }]) => { const hits = fileCoverage.f[k]; this.xml.openTag('method', { name: escape(name), hits, signature: '()V' //fake out a no-args void return }); this.xml.openTag('lines'); //Add the function definition line and hits so that jenkins cobertura plugin records method hits this.xml.inlineTag('line', { number: decl.start.line, hits }); this.xml.closeTag('lines'); this.xml.closeTag('method'); }); this.xml.closeTag('methods'); this.xml.openTag('lines'); const lines = fileCoverage.getLineCoverage(); Object.entries(lines).forEach(([k, hits]) => { const attrs = { number: k, hits, branch: 'false' }; const branchDetail = branchByLine[k]; if (branchDetail) { attrs.branch = true; attrs['condition-coverage'] = branchDetail.coverage + '% (' + branchDetail.covered + '/' + + ')'; } this.xml.inlineTag('line', attrs); }); this.xml.closeTag('lines'); this.xml.closeTag('class'); } } function asJavaPackage(node) { return node .getRelativeName() .replace(/\//g, '.') .replace(/\\/g, '.') .replace(/\.$/, ''); } function asClassName(node) { return node.getRelativeName().replace(/.*[\\/]/, ''); } module.exports = CoberturaReport;

Add coverage script and index file reference in package.json

 "scripts": {
 "test""ts-node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine --config=jasmine.json",
 "coverage""nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text-lcov -r text -e .ts -x \"test/*.spec.ts\" npm run test"

"files": [

"devDependencies": {


Now coming to Azure devops pipeline.

Add the npm task for test script

          displayName'Run npm test'
            customCommand'run test'

For code coverage report, run the npm task by calling coverage script added in package

          displayName'Run npm coverage'
            customCommand'run coverage'

Thats it and you can see the code coverage report in your release output