Monday, November 4, 2024

SQL Column Encryption- Migrating a single encryption key to another column master key


I have a SQL database which has column encryption enabled with master keys and encryption keys. Single master key has 4 encryption keys and I would like to migrate 1 encryption key to another new master key without any service disruption.


Tried using sql normal scripts/gui but we dont have an option to migrate a single encryption key rather we would need to migrate all encryption keys together by rotating and cleanup.

When we rotate, there is no option to select which key to rotate, rather it will rotate all keys to new master key.

Also once rotated we will have both master keys running and during cleanup, it will move all encryption keys to new one


Since the sql out of box approach doesn't provide a solution to rotate a single encryption key out of many to another master key,  we have a solution for you.

  •  Start with normal approach to rotate keys to new master key . Advantage with this approach is to have an encryption value created by sql automatically when you rotate. Also this will avoid any encryption/decryption issue if you use script and update encryption key with new master key and custom encrypted value.
  • Once rotated, use below script to cleanup instead of cleaning up from sql gui.
  • -- Drop old column master key from encryptionkey




      COLUMN_MASTER_KEY = CMK_Configtest



The above drop sql script to be ran on all the encryption keys. But makes sure you drop the right master keys from encryptionkeys.

For ex: the ones doesn;t need to be migrated, you can drop the new masterkey and the one to be migrated, you can drop the old masterkey. This way the cleanup process is completed and the single encryptionkey is migrated to new masterkey without any downtime.

-- drop old masterkey to move to new one



  COLUMN_MASTER_KEY = [CMK_Configtest]



-- drop new masterkey to retain in same one





Sunday, October 1, 2023

Create Azure APIM Self Hosted Gateway in docker using Azure AD Authentication

Scenario overview

The self-hosted gateway configuration API can check Azure RBAC to determine who has permissions to read the gateway configuration. After you create an Azure AD app with those permissions, the self-hosted gateway can authenticate to the API Management instance using the app.

To enable Azure AD authentication, complete the following steps:

  1. Create two custom roles to:
    • Let the configuration API get access to customer's RBAC information
    • Grant permissions to read self-hosted gateway configuration
  2. Grant RBAC access to the API Management instance's managed identity
  3. Create an Azure AD app and grant it access to read the gateway configuration
  4. Deploy the gateway with new configuration options


Limitations notes

  • Only system-assigned managed identity is supported.

Create custom roles

Create the following two custom roles that are assigned in later steps. You can use the permissions listed in the following JSON templates to create the custom roles using the Azure portalAzure CLIAzure PowerShell, or other Azure tools.

When configuring the custom roles, update the AssignableScopes property with appropriate scope values for your directory, such as a subscription in which your API Management instance is deployed.

API Management Configuration API Access Validator Service Role

  "Description": "Can access RBAC permissions on the API Management resource to authorize requests in Configuration API.",
  "IsCustom": true,
  "Name": "API Management Configuration API Access Validator Service Role",
  "Permissions": [
      "Actions": [
      "NotActions": [],
      "DataActions": [],
      "NotDataActions": []
  "NotDataActions": [],
  "AssignableScopes": [

API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Role

  "Description": "Can read self-hosted gateway configuration from Configuration API",
  "IsCustom": true,
  "Name": "API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Role",
  "Permissions": [
      "Actions": [],
      "NotActions": [],
      "DataActions": [
      "NotDataActions": []
  "NotDataActions": [],
  "AssignableScopes": [

Add role assignments

Assign API Management Configuration API Access Validator Service Role

Assign the API Management Configuration API Access Validator Service Role to the managed identity of the API Management instance. For detailed steps to assign a role, see Assign Azure roles using the portal.

  • Scope: The resource group or subscription in which the API Management instance is deployed
  • Role: API Management Configuration API Access Validator Service Role
  • Assign access to: Managed identity of API Management instance

Assign API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Role

Step 1: Register Azure AD app

Create a new Azure AD app. For steps, see Create an Azure Active Directory application and service principal that can access resources. This app will be used by the self-hosted gateway to authenticate to the API Management instance.

  • Generate a client secret
  • Take note of the following application values for use in the next section when deploying the self-hosted gateway: application (client) ID, directory (tenant) ID, and client secret

Step 2: Assign API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Service Role

Assign the API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Service Role to the app.

  • Scope: The API Management instance (or resource group or subscription in which it's deployed)
  • Role: API Management Gateway Configuration Reader Role
  • Assign access to: Azure AD app

Deploy the self-hosted gateway

Deploy the self-hosted gateway to docker, using below env.conf file



config.service.auth.azureAd.tenantId=<your tenand id>

config.service.auth.azureAd.clientId=<client id>

config.service.auth.azureAd.clientSecret=<client secret><gatewayname>

runtime.deployment.artifact.source=Azure Portal


Check gateway working. On apim gateway, you should be able to see the number of instances connected. In my case 2 instances connected through self hosted gateway in docker.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Azure Cosmos DB- optimize your data distribution with hierarchical partition keys

 Hierarchical partition keys are now available in private preview for the Azure Cosmos DB Core (SQL) API. With hierarchical partition keys, also known as sub-partitioning, you can now natively partition your container with up to three levels of partition keys. This enables more optimal partitioning strategies for multi-tenant scenarios or workloads that would otherwise use synthetic partition keys. Instead of having to choose a single partition key – which often leads to performance trade-offs – you can now use up to three keys to further sub-partition your data, enabling more optimal data distribution and higher scale.

For example, if you have a scenario with 1000 tenants of varying sizes and use a synthetic partition key of TenantId_UserId, you can now natively set TenantId and UserId as your hierarchical partition keys.

Behind the scenes, Azure Cosmos DB will automatically distribute your data among physical partitions such that a logical partition prefix (e.g. Tenant) can exceed 20GB of storage. In addition, queries that target a prefix of the full partition key path are efficiently routed to the subset of relevant physical partitions.


Example scenario

Suppose you have a multi-tenant scenario where you store event (for example, login, clickstream, payment, etc) information for users in each tenant. Some tenants are very large with thousands of users, while the majority are smaller with a few users.











We have these operations as part of our data access pattern:

Write operations

  • Insert data for each login event

Read operations

  • Get all data for a particular tenant
  • Get all data for a particular user in a tenant
  • Read a single event for a user in a tenant


What should our partition key be?

Let’s look at our options when we are only able to choose one partition key. Then, we’ll see how we can use hierarchical partition keys to achieve an optimal partitioning strategy.

As a refresher, Azure Cosmos DB distributes your data across logical and physical partitions based on your partition key to enable horizontal scaling. As data gets written, Azure Cosmos DB uses the hash of the partition key value to determine which logical and physical partition the data lives on.

In the following diagrams, the purple boxes represent a physical partition, and the blue boxes represent a logical partition. The scope of the diagram is for a single container.


Option 1: Partition by TenantId

When we partition by TenantId, queries for a tenant or a user in a tenant are efficient, single partition queries. However, if a single TenantId grows very large, it will hit the 20GB storage limit for logical partition, so this partition key strategy will not scale. In addition, because some tenants may have more requests than others, this can lead to a hot partition.

Diagram of partitions when partition key is TenantId


Option 2: Synthetic key with TenantId_UserId

To add more cardinality to our key, we can use a synthetic key, combining TenantId and UserId. Typically, this is done by creating a new property in our document, for example, “partitionKey” and modifying our application logic to fill this value with our synthetic value. While we can ensure that we can write more than 20GB of data per tenant, we now have a trade-off where queries by TenantId are always cross partition, unless we are able to include all users, which is typically not feasible. In general, the application and query complexity has increased.

Image partition with synthetic diagram


New: Partition using hierarchical partition keys

With hierarchical partition keys, we can set the partition key to be TenantId, then UserId. If we believe the combination of a single TenantId and UserId will exceed 20GB, we could use a 3rd key – e.g. set to something like id or EventId – to add more granularity.

This allows us to have more than 20GB of data for a single tenant, as the system handles adding more partitions as our data per tenant grows. We are now able to have up to 20GB of data for each TenantId, UserId combination. As a result, it is now possible for a single Tenant’s data to span multiple physical partitions.

At the same time, our queries will still be efficient. All queries that target a single tenant will be efficiently routed to the subset of partitions the data is on, avoiding the full cross-partition fanout query that was required when using the synthetic partition key strategy. For example, in the below diagram, queries that filtered to TenantId = “Fabrikam” would be routed only to partitions 1 and 2.

To achieve these benefits, all we need to do is specify the hierarchical partition key settings upon container creation and ensure these keys exist in all documents. Azure Cosmos DB will take care of the underlying data distribution and query routing.

Image hierarchicalpartitionkey diagram


Azure Cosmos DB- Partition key reached maximum size of 20 GB


The partition key is the concept of defining uniqueness and improving performance. Most databases with large amounts of data or frequently accessed data should have certain unique and categorical information defined. This information will help read or update the data in bulk. However, this information is very lightly taken, and most clients complain about higher data consumption or unusable categorization of data resulting in higher transactions. Both scenarios can add a significant cloud costs if managed incorrectly. I have had an experience where there was no unique information defined for many containers in COSMOS DB. It was frequently accessed, thus the client paid thousands of dollars in transactions. They also experienced latency issues getting data from several containers, resulting in poor application performance.


Azure recommends certain practices to create a partition key. In addition, there are key points to consider when defining a partition key. But before we talk about partition keys, it is essential to understand the types of partitions and their significance.

Types of Partitions

Partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB is used to divide and categorize similar items into different containers called partitions. This approach gives the system flexibility and the ability to maintain and scale as required systemically. Also, it provides a streamlined approach to querying and using data within the application.

There are two types of partitions: 1) Logical Partitions and 2) Physical Partitions.

Logical Partition

Logical Partition

A Logical Partition is a partition where a set of items has the same partition key. In other words, this partition is created based on what data category we would like to look at. Let's use the example of car manufacturing. What if we select the cars to be partitioned by car brand type (Ferrari, Ford, Honda, Mercedes, etc.)? This might be a good choice, but it also might not be. A point to remember is that we should choose a partition that never changes. The simple reason is to define a set/subset which can be grouped logically that will have the same type of actions performed. Defining a logical partition is a key design decision for the partition key.

A logical partition can grow up to 20GB and have a throughput limit of 10,000 Request Units (RU) per second. This is limited because each logical partition is mapped to a "Physical Partition", and each Physical Partition can only have a maximum of 10,000 RUs.

Physical Partition

Physical Partition

Azure Cosmos DB scales containers by distributing data in multiple physical partitions. Azure Cosmos DB completely manages physical partitions. Usually, it is scaled automatically. One or more logical partitions can be mapped to a single partition. So, it is correct to say, "One physical partition can have one or more Logical partitions, but one Logical partition will always be mapped to one and only one Physical Partition."

There is no limit to the number of physical partitions; however, one single physical partition can only be a maximum of 50GB. Also, as stated earlier, each partition can have a throughput of 10,000 RUs per second max. In case the limit of storage increases to more than 50GB, the system will automatically scale and create a new partition. Azure uses hash-based partitioning to partition logical partitions across the physical partitions. Thus, all the logic mappings to the physical partition will also be automatically mapped.

Defining a Partition Key

Now that we have a fair understanding of partitions, let's discuss the best practices and considerations for defining a partition key.

There are three main factors to consider: 1) uniformity, 2) uniqueness, and 3) distinctness.

Uniformity - Even Distribution

Below are two examples of even and uneven storage distribution:


As we know, logical partitions are made up of partition keys. The example above shows the sales of mobile devices. On the left, we can see that the partition key was kept as "model type", which leads to containers like Apple, Samsung, and Google (and more).

However, the challenge is that Apple and Samsung have much higher sales than Google. This may also be called "Hot Partitions". Again, this type of container will change if we further drill down into the containers as per the location database. This will result in uneven data distribution in containers, which may lead to latency and limit throughput utilization. For example, I want to get information about a device, but since the partitions are not evenly distributed, it will result in higher throughput and, in return, higher costs to the customer.

Thus, it would be much preferable to use a partition key like "Mobile Identification Number (MIN)", which will help distribute data evenly in logical and physical partitions.

Uniqueness – High Cardinality

A partition key with high cardinality will result in better distribution and scalability of data. Below are two examples of high and low cardinality:

This image shows results of high and low uniqueness

The image on the left shows that we have a database full of users where the partition key has been defined as "First Name". Now, it is very likely there are many first names like "John" or "Mark". If the partitions are made based on first names, they produce uneven and less functional partitions.

Instead of first name, let's say we define the partition key as "email address", which is usually unique to each user, and in this way, it ensures that each item has a unique identifier. This will create uniform partitions at scaling times and have an even distribution of logical partitions in containers.

Distinctness – Spread Request Units

A partition key must also be created considering the spread of the request unit's distinctness. In other words, a partition key should not result in a logical partition turning into a hot partition at any given time. Below is one example showing hot partitions due to lack of distinctness.

This image shows high and low distinctness results

The above example shows the airport landing data stored in a database. In the image, the partition key used is "Flight time". Now we know several factors affect an increase in the landing zone time. It is possible that some heavy Boeing flights may come early during the normal season but is usually late during holidays and in harsh weather seasons like winter/monsoon. This kind of distribution will neither give even distribution nor provide any uniqueness to perform deep analysis. Instead, it will end up creating complex normalization and analysis processes. A better partition key could be "Flight Identification No", which is unique to each flight. Even if the flight changes, the identification will still be applicable and can be easily used to track the data.

Thus, these three factors help to understand and design partition keys to distribute Azure Cosmos DB data.

There are also a few considerations to think about:

  • In the case of heavy-duty read data, the partition key can be defined on the metadata, which is used for most filtering in queries. For example, an employee database would ideally be partitioned using the employee ID. But sometimes, organizations also have an employee code that is more frequently used than the ID. In such cases, it is better to use the employee code, which will help to query faster and index the items.
  • Synthetic keys are also good practice when defining partition keys. A synthetic key is a key that is either created using multiple metadata (like ItemID + Employee ID) or keys using prefixes or suffixes ("ABCEMP" + employeeID). This type of key helps in various scenarios, like when one wants to create a higher scale of unique partitions, a lack of uniqueness within single metadata, or a need to distribute the partition as per specific organization policy, and so on.