Showing posts with label Custom dimensions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Custom dimensions. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Custom dimensions and measurements - Azure Application Insights Query

 n App Analytics you can slice and dice on your App Insights custom dimensions and measurements just as easily as any of the so-called “standard” properties.

The only thing that’s a little bit tricky is extracting them first.

It’s tricky because of 2 things:

  1. You have to explicitly set the type of the measurement/dimension after you extract it.
  2. Extracting properties that contain spaces and special characters is a little bit of a hassle.
Bellow is an example

| where timestamp > ago(3h)
| where name == "Query"
| extend query_time = todouble(customMeasurements.['Query Time'])
| extend query_name = tostring(customDimensions.['Query Name'])
| project query_time, query_name
| summarize avg(query_time) by query_name 
| render barchart

User Enagagement metrix example

union *
| where timestamp > ago(90d)
| where client_Browser startswith "chrome" 
| evaluate activity_metrics(user_Id , timestamp, 7d, client_Browser   )
| where dcount_values > 3
| project timestamp , retention_rate, client_Browser 
| where retention_rate > 0 and 
  timestamp < ago(7d) and timestamp > ago(83d) // remove partial data in tail and head
| render timechart