How to: Backup objects into another vault in another subscription
In this section, I'm getting the secret values and saving them into another vault directly. We want to do this without touching any disk files.
Make sure you have installed Azure CLI for windows in order to run the below script.
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $sourceVaultName,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $sourceSubscriptionId,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $destinationVaultName,
[parameter(mandatory)] [string] $destinationSubscriptionId,
[string] $destinationSecretsDisable = $true
# 1. Set the source subscription id.
Write-Host "Setting origin subscription to: $($sourceSubscriptionId)..."
az account set -s $sourceSubscriptionId
# 1.1 Get all secrets
Write-Host "Listing all origin secrets from vault: $($sourceVaultName)"
$originSecretKeys = az keyvault secret list --vault-name $sourceVaultName -o json --query "[].name" | ConvertFrom-Json
# 1.3 Loop the secrets, and push the value to the destination vault without instantiating new variables.
$originSecretKeys | ForEach-Object {
$secretName = $_
Write-Host " - Getting '$($secretName)' from origin, and setting in destination..."
az keyvault secret set --name $secretName --vault-name $destinationVaultName -o none --value(az keyvault secret show --name $secretName --vault-name $sourceVaultName -o json --query "value")
Write-Host "Secrets restored."
You can call the above script as mentioned below
.\CopySecretsToAnotherVault.ps1 -originVault "vault1-name" -originSubscriptionId "SUBSCRIPTION GUID" -destinationVault "vault2-name" -destinationSubscriptionId "SUBSCRIPTION GUID"
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